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Here is what you're looking for!​
What is going to happen when you check out?

What you believe will effect where you will spend eternity. The question is, "What do YOU believe?" If you can't answer that Jesus is Lord, then these next pages are for you. If you want to change what you believe, then here is what you need to know.


#1 - Jesus Came
Because of God's love for mankind, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to pay the price for our sin and to give us eternal life.

John 1:14 - And Christ became a human being and lived here on earth among us and was full of loving forgiveness and truth. And some of us have seen his glory-the glory of the only Son of the heavenly Father!

John 3:16 - For God loved the world so much that He gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.


#2 - Jesus Died
Jesus was beaten and nailed to a cross where He died and became the sacrifice for our sins.

Matthew 20:28 -Your attitude must be like my own, for I, the Messiah, did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give my life as a ransom for many.

Isaiah 53:3-4 - We despised him and rejected him-a man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way when he went by. He was despised, and we didn't care. Yet it was our grief he bore, our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, for his own sins!


#3 - Jesus Rose
After three days, Jesus rose from the grave in victory and walked on the earth for forty days before ascending to heaven.

Matthew 28:5-6 - Then the angel spoke to the women. "Don't be frightened!" he said. "I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified, but he isn't here! For he has come back to life again, just as he said he would. Come in and see where his body was lying."


#4 - Jesus Lives
Jesus is alive today and desires to have a personal relationship with every person.

John 14:6-7 - Jesus told him, "I am the Way, and the Truth and the Life. No one can get to the Father except by means of me.

Revelation 1:17-19 - "Don't be afraid! Though I am the First and Last, the Living One who died, who is now alive forevermore, who has the keys of hell and death-don't be afraid!"


​#5 - Jesus Is Lord
Philippians 2:10-11 - At the name of Jesus everyone will bow down those in heaven, on earth, and under the earth. And to the glory of God the Father, everyone will openly agree, JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!


Will you believe?
The choice is yours to make! Will you believe and accept God's love through His Son Jesus Christ? If you decide to Choose life, it's as easy as A-B-C.

Admit you have sinned.
1 John 1:8 - If we say that we have no sinned, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth is not in our hearts.

Believe that Jesus Christ died for you.
John 3:16 - For God loved the world so much that He gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord of YOUR life.
Romans 10:9-10 - If you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dean, you will be saved.


Are You Ready?

Let's Pray.

Dear Lord Jesus, I believe that You died for my sins and rose from the grave. I now invite You to come into my heart to live. I receive You as my personal Savior and follow You as my Lord. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.


​If you accepted Christ for the 1st time we would like to welcome you to the Family!

We would like to invite you to call us or email us and let us know about your experience.


Real Teenagers. Real Life. Real Answers.


326 E. Camp Wisdom Rd.

Duncanville, TX 75116




T: 972.572.4477
F: 972.242.8752

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© 2013 by Risen CHRIST Family Church. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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